Healthy Building 
MIMA - Malabar Clinic

At the outset, this project was defined by the owner's goal to "save $9 per square foot" over typical construction, as their last project had by using 'tilt-up' panel walls. Of course, the reference project had all of 5 windows, 2 doors and a yellow accent stripe for ornamentation.

 We proceeded to accept the challenge, and developed a design we felt really reflected them, including a strong interest we discovered  for clean, green & healthy building (unusual in our experience for coastal Florida).

The real challenge of the project was to assist the client in the process of accepting that they could, and then that they should, have a better looking and better performing facility than they believed they could have.  

Upon completion, the owner chose the theme of "Healthy Building: Healthy You" for the dedication and related publicity. They made a calculation of the new building's carbon footprint, translated that into an offset in the form of 220 gumbo-limbo trees, and gave saplings to staff and patients to plant at home as a form of community action.